Local Loves: Ice Cream Alley

It’s been quite a while since I had a “Local Loves” spotlight on something in my own neighborhood- especially something that is within a short walking distance from my apartment- but given how beautiful (and hot!) the weather has been lately, it seemed like the perfect time to talk about one of my most beloved […]

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Celebrating Mom and Food…

The weekend is simply not long enough, and I am neither ready nor prepared to return to work this morning after such a busy past couple of days filled with good food, lovely locations, and quality time with friends and family. It just seems unfair not to have an extra day to rest and ease […]

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Local Loves: La Dolce Vita

Every once in a while, something will come across my social media feeds that will stop me in my tracks- be it an incredible looking recipe/dish, a miracle makeup product, a travel destination or a local business I’d never heard of before. Such was the case leading up to this past weekend, when I saw […]

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Stumbling Upon History…

It’s been a hot minute since I shared some photos of any of the cool, abandoned, and often historical places in and around New England (something I did quite often at the height of the pandemic since social distancing made it so easy!) although my longtime passion for what is commonly referred to as “Urban […]

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A Month to Remember: April 2024

At the end of March, which was one of the most busy and nerve-racking months of my life, I had said that my goal for April was to simply rest, relax, get back into my routine and enjoy some travel- and for the most part- I was successful. Although a little more relaxation would have […]

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Books, Breakfast and Blossoms…

April showers aren’t uncommon at all here in New England. As many sunny and bright days as we’ve had these last few weeks, we’ve had just as many cold, dreary and soaking wet ones, as well. While torrential downpours can and often do interrupt outdoor activities or ideas- it’s why I always try to have […]

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Look At The Flowers…

I’ve been sharing all things flowers and floral in recent posts here on ‘Coffee & Chiffon.’ From my weekend trip to Newport, to evening walks in Historic Deerfield– and I had mentioned sharing some of my favorite local places to stroll and snap photos amongst the blossoms at some point within the next couple of […]

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Spring In My Step…

One of the ways I tend to gauge if Spring has finally defeated Winter for seasonal dominance here in New England is to keep track of how many days in a row I can spend time outdoors, open the windows in my apartment, etc. without the need for a jacket or a blanket thrown over […]

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